Without appropriate treatment, Chlamydia can spread to other parts of the body causing damage and serious long-term complications.
Without appropriate treatment, Chlamydia can spread to other parts of the body causing damage and serious long-term complications.
Chlamydia is one of many things that can affect your fertility. However, the more often you get chlamydia, the more likely it is to cause complications which can affect your fertility. People who have had chlamydia are not routinely offered tests to see they are fertile they find they have difficulty getting pregnant long-term. If you are concerned, talk to your GP or practice nurse.
Chlamydia is sometimes linked to early miscarriage or premature birth. It can be passed on to the baby during the birth and occasionally before the birth. Chlamydia can cause inflammation and discharge from the baby's eye (conjunctivitis) and pneumonia.
Chlamydia is treatable with antibiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding - the antibiotics won't harm the baby - but it's important to tell the doctor or nurse that you are pregnant so that you are given the right type of antibiotic.
A positive test result does not tell you how long someone has been infected. Some people get no symptoms at all or they can appear a long time after being exposed to chlamydia.
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection. It can be caught by having vaginal, oral or anal sex; or sharing sex toys.
You might never know whether you caught it from your current or a previous sexual partner. Some people are upset or angry when they find out they have an STI (STD) and it can be hard to talk to their partner or friends. You can always talk about how you feel with the staff at the clinic.
By always having safer sex - using condoms. Other contraceptives, such as using the coil, the pill or the implant etc, will only stop you getting pregnant; they won't stop you catching an infection.
Using a condom for all types of sex can greatly reduce the risk of picking up chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases.
You will normally be sent a urine test. If you live in Lambeth, Southwark or Lewisham you will be sent the self-taken swab test, which is painless and easy to do. You can do a self-taken vaginal swab even when you have your period.
We send the kit to you in a brown A5 envelope with no NHS logo or address on it. It fits through any normal sized letter box.
The recommendation is to have another test if you or your partner have unprotected sex with someone else or when you have a new partner.
This is not a problem. You have the right to refuse to take a chlamydia test. It will not affect how you are looked after in the future. If you change your mind, you can come for a test at any time.
There is a form for you to fill in with your testing kit. By doing this and sending your sample to the laboratory you are giving your consent to be tested for chlamydia (and gonorrhoea in Bromley, Bexley, Croydon, Haringey, Hillingdon, Kingston, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Sutton, Merton or Wandsworth) and for us to contact you by the method of contact you have agreed to.
We will not tell your GP that you have taken a chlamydia test.
We will not tell anyone that you've had a test. We will only contact you if you need treatment or if you want to know if you are negative by text message. You will need to think about who you need to tell if you have a positive test.
No, we only need a sample of urine or for women who live in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham, a self-taken vaginal swab (like inserting a tampon) to test.
Yes, as long as you follow the instructions the clinician gives you and you take the tablets as instructed.
When we contact you about your positive result, we will help you find a service nearby where you can be treated as soon as possible.
You should avoid sex (this includes oral, vaginal or anal) for 7 days after treatment (i.e. after you have taken the last antibiotic tablet), so that the antibiotic has enough time to work. If you have a regular partner you will need to wait for 7 days after they have finished their treatment.
Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection you catch by having sex (this oral, vaginal or anal) with someone who already has it.
Gonorrhoea is not as common as chlamydia. Many people don't know they have it. Women often get no symptoms. Men usually develop a yellow/green discharge from the penis within a few days of being infected. However, you probably won't know if you have gonorrhoea in your throat or in your rectum (bum). Testing is the only way to know for sure.
In most parts of London we only test you for chlamydia but in Bromley, Bexley, Haringey, Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham, Croydon, Sutton, Merton and Wandsworth we test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea at the same time.
If you have gonorrhoea you will be referred to a sexual health clinic for treatment with antibiotics and you will be given some more tests to find out which antibiotic is best for you.
Untreated gonorrhoea can cause complications later on. In women the infection can lead to pelvic infection. In men it can cause painful swollen balls (testicles). Gonorrhoea can lead to infertility in both women and men.
There is a lot of chlamydia and gonorrhoea infection in Lambeth & Southwark. If you have chlamydia you are more likely to have been exposed to other sexually transmitted infections, so in Bromley, Bexley, Haringey, Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham, Croydon, Sutton, Merton and Wandsworth our tests automatically check for gonorrhoea as well, which saves you having to go for another test.
You decide to receive your results by SMS text, phone call, email or letter. We can't process your sample if you don't give us contact details as we won't be able to tell you if you have an infection.
This means that you have an infection. We will try to contact you usually by phone to talk to you about this in private. If we can't contact you in person we may send you a text message or letter asking you to contact us. We will only ever talk to you about your test results. We do not leave voicemails or messages saying we are from the chlamydia screening programme.
Once you have posted your sample we will normally contact you within 7 days. If you haven't heard from us after 2 weeks, contact us by going to the contact us page for our details.
We will not put your name on the text and depending on your result the SMS will contain one of the following:
Yes, you can get chlamydia from giving and receiving oral sex. Our test is only for chlamydia in the genitals (vagina or penis); if you are worried about a risk from oral sex you can mention it when you go to a sexual health clinic.
Yes, you can get gonorrhoea from giving and receiving oral sex. The symptoms can be like those of a sore throat. You can ask to be tested for gonorrhoea in the throat at a sexual health clinic if you are worried about this.
If you are aged 25 and older and worried about chlamydia your GP or any sexual health clinic will be able to give you a test.
You can go to your local sexual health clinic. For information, you could visit one of the websites on our Safer Sex and Links pages.
The Checkurself chlamydia screening website is an NHS service and is funded by London Local Authorities.
The test and treatment are free and we give you a freepost envelope to send us your sample.
Many gaming ninjas have tried but none has beaten the 1200 score. In the game the city is being overrun with rabbits infected with Chlamydia and they're spreading it fast. It's easy-to-treat with one course of antibiotics – time to dish out the cure!
Play the gameThank you very much, it's so private and confidential! It has made me feel at ease and confident in getting checked out! Really useful.. Thank you!
~ Bexley VisitorThis is a great website and congratulations for optimising it for mobile. it was really easy to navigate around and the game was fun too. the legal stuff about privacy was also easy to understand so thanks for that too.
~ Hounslow VisitorThanks for sending me the kit.Its the most easy way for anyone who is shy to get the test or talk to a doctor. Appreciate the efforts made from ur side and its also help me aware about this disease and encourage me to talk with my friends and family members.
~ Greenwich Visitor